What I learned from the virtual space exercises

This class is one of the most challenging I have had here at Richland. But I always enjoy a challenge and I am enjoying this class. It makes me realize how hard it is to learn completely new things – things not related to other things you already are comfortable with – but entirely new things. It takes using those commands about 10 times before I can remember them. While working on the Rico Cluster I learned about additional fonts available on the internet. How helpful; and they are so much fun. I also learned that my life is not so much a “cluster” but, more a set of diverse tangents. As we got into virtual space I immediately realized that you can no longer “believe everything you see”. It is now possible to create a picture of almost anything. What fun it is to combine various pictures, and design and brand new reality. I learned to save often and not necessarily on top of the last save. Sometimes you may want to go back and pick up in the midd...