My Montage

This assignment is harder than it looked at first. I feel that I was less successful in completing this project than I would have liked; but, I feel that I learned more and was more comfortable with Photoshop than in previous works. In my first attempt, I took the pictures all wrong. I chose a triangular flower bed native wild flowers. I circled the area, moving all around it. All I got was lots of the same picture from various angles and they were very difficult to piece together. I started over. Next I chose a fountain in the garden. I methodically moved around the perimeter (which conveniently has a circular walk) taking a picture of the center every three steps. This was very successful at capturing the central garden (of very similar hedge). However, to do the fountain in the middle justice, one would need to get higher up and take a shot from above. I was unable to do that. So I attempted to combine several views...